Some Ideas For Dos And Don’ts For New Entrants
By Human Resources Team
College days are over. It’s time to step into a new pair of shoes and enter the corporate world. But hang on…there are some things that you must remember while going through this transformation phase.
Some ideas for dos and don’ts for new entrants

It is important to ensure that one is punctual while
- Reaching office ( leaving is generally not controlled)
- Reaching places for meetings – within office or outside
- Reaching the office functions/events where invited
- Reaching airports, railway/bus stations for pick up

Dress Code (appearance) :
One may take a different approach in different situations. One may also suit one’s position (not designation only) while choosing how to dress.
- Dress informally but smartly
- Avoid fashionable jeans
- Avoid flashy tops
- Avoid chappals or floaters
- Avoid tattoo at visible places like arms or back of palms
- Avoid too much make up or hair styles which are too flashy
- Carry the documents properly
- Dress formally (Suits and Sarees are not always needed)
- Avoid chappals or floaters
- Avoid tattoo at visible places like arms or back of palms>
- Avoid too much make up or hair styles which are too flashy
- Avoid carrying files or papers loose. Keep a brief case or file folder
- Avoid carrying mobile in hand but keep it in pocket or purse

Mobile Etiquettes :
3.1 In offices where intercom is still available- Those who sit in open spaces must keep mobile on silent mode throughout office hours
- Those who have a cubicle to themselves may use mobile
- Use intercom for inter-office communications as far as possible
- Employees who sit in open must receive all personal/emergency calls on intercom through land line of the office
- For those who accept official calls on mobile, keep the screen visible and /or ear phone.
- At all times one must ensure a low vocal tone to avoid disturbing others
- Avoid loud and flashy ring tones, especially songs
- When one cannot receive a call please use the DND option or arrange for an automated reply “in a meeting, please call later”
- For those who sit in open, they should keep mobile on silent mode but use ear phone. Those, who have closed cubicles, can use the mobile in normal mode
- All can keep the screen visible so that they can pick up the calls but ring tone is not heard.
- All personal emergency calls must be received once they get intimation
- At all times one must ensure a low vocal tone to avoid disturbing others
- Avoid loud and flashy ring tones, especially songs.
- When one cannot receive a call pls use the DND option or arrange for an automated reply “in a meeting, pls call later”

Meetings :
Please observe discipline during meetings, whether internal or with outside parties:- Intimation of meetings must have start time and finish time, venue, list of attendees and broad agenda. Chairperson of the meeting must be known
- Mobile must be on silent mode
- There should be no intercom extension in the meeting room
- All attendees are expected to come prepared, so are you
- Avoid lunch time meetings or meetings extending beyond office hours
- It is a good idea to form a plan of action post the meeting and record the minutes of meeting (MOM). One must be clear as to his/her actions after the meeting

Other :
- Keep your work place neat and tidy e.g. do not keep the documents spread on the table or hang your jacket/coat or dupatta on the chair
- Attend the telephone on your desk before the third ring. If your neighbor is not in his/her seat, please answer that phone before 5 rings
- Avoid eating at your desk during lunch or tea time. If you have to, please use a table cloth to ensure the oily stains or food leftovers do not dirty your desk
- Make a detailed plan for daily work – priorities and normal work items need to be identified and attended accordingly
- Once a month, please spare 30 minutes to sort out the documents and throw away the “unwanted” stuff. Removal of clutter is a good way to improve efficiency
It’s not easy to suddenly change your lifestyle, especially the kind of things we enjoyed doing during our college days. But hey, times change, situations change and so must we. These little things make a great difference. Think about them as you sip on your next cup of coffee.