
My Onsite Travel Experiences

Onsite!! The word itself thrills you, doesn’t it? You suddenly feel you are a star, the chosen one. I too felt the same way. I travelled in the month of June to South Africa. Since this was my second trip, I knew fairly how it was going to be.

Some Ideas For Dos And Don’ts For New Entrants

College days are over. It’s time to step into a new pair of shoes and enter the corporate world. But hang on…there are some things that you must remember while going through this transformation phase.

Layoff – An Opportunity to Grow

Mass layoffs are distressing and were a matter of concern for the talent market in 2022. From the giants in the industry to the small setups, layoffs are happening all over. According to Forbes, the Pandemic …

Workplaces Post-Pandemic

We recently ran a survey on the Hoonartek LinkedIn page to get an idea on how people would like to work post-pandemic. More than 60% of respondents liked working from home; over 30% preferred a mix; and only 5% chose working from the office.

IT in The Pandemic

Our day-to-day life has been visibly affected by the pandemic. There is hardly any sector which has not been adversely affected due to this sudden outbreak of a virus. But that does not mean our way of life has stopped.

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